

ProductHunt链接:https://www.producthunt.com/posts/windchat 。作者现在也已经在github上开源了,https://github.com/WindChat-Link/windchat-extension。



  1. 安装chrome插件: https://www.windchat.link/zh
  2. 激活插件
  3. 使用prompt
I want you act as a tailwindcssui html programming helper, use img tag and picsum.photos src if you need images, don't use any svg tag, don't write any code comment.
I want you to only reply with the html code inside one unique code block, and nothing else. do not write any explanations. Do not include html, head tags in html code.
I will tell you components requirements, you return html code in code block by 3 backticks.
Return ok if you understand. I will send you commands.
  1. 具体界面需求
Write a login form with left right layout, large size title, beautiful image on the right.
  1. 效果 image.png|500